Time For a Change


Time For a Change
So What's the Problem?

For hundreds of years in the industrialized world each generation has built upon the past to hand off  to their children and their children's children  a life with more security, well-being and opportunity than their own.  Alas this may not be true for future generations.

Unless there are major changes soon, the future we are leaving to our progeny will include ever increasing instability and  suffering, leading to the destruction of civilization as we know it. They will experience the  slow and painful death rattle of humanity. Let us not belabor the point here as the evidence is overwhelming that future generations will live with imminent  threats that include; climate change, over population, scarce resources, starvation,  pandemics, acts of  terrorism, nuclear war and economic and infrastructure collapse, as well as natural worldwide disasters.

This is not the fault of a specific group or generation of people. The problem is not that people have changed, we continue to wish for a better life for our children, we cannot deny our  innate need for the survival of our species. Our moral yearning for the well-being of suffering peoples is no more or less than that of our forebears.

We also have the same short comings as our ancestors. We continue to suffer with the same  limited brain, with hardwired short sightedness, prejudice, superstitious nature, self justifying egos and cognitive dissonance  that has always plagued humanity. Our primary handicap is that we perceive that we are much more mentally capable than we really are; the problem is not that we have changed but that the threats have changed, while we have not. For innumerable generations the threats we faced  ranged from the discomfort of being cold and hungry to being a hot meal for some other critter that was cold and hungry. Over time the threats became more complex and dangerous, but for the most part the problems were within the individual or collective physical and mental abilities to overcome. Of course we overcame, or we would not be here to reflect on it.  For some time now we have been facing threats that are now and will continue to be beyond our evolved, natural ability to overcome. We evolved to solve relatively primitive problems and problems that faced us in a far different environment. One of those differences was this; often a solution to starvation, threats from enemies, cold, heat drought, predators, the lack of natural resources, even sickness could be solved by moving on, exploring, strategic withdrawal, running  away, finding greener pastures. That was a well evolved strategy when there was a meager million of us spread over 148 million square Kilometers of  land. But now we are running out of room and resources, no place to run.  In short; We did not evolve to solve problems that are as complex and far reaching as we are faced with today! Future generations, your children and grandchildren, will pay the price for our unwillingness to raise above our evolved nature. Or we can choose to rise above our natural abilities...we know we can because some have made necessary changes to perform beyond our evolved human capabilities, using extra-human tools.  Given enough time, humanity could learn and expand on those extra-human capabilities, allowing us and our progeny to survive and prosper despite our evolved limitations;  But  we don't have the time!  Change must come now!

We have a choice to make: Damn our descendants to an agonizing slide into deprivation and  extinction, or, drive the needed change now.

The following describes  a movement dedicated to change that could turn the almost certain dismal future into one of universal hope and well-being for humanity.  You are encouraged to read this with  an open yet skeptical mind. You have the unique opportunity to be part of the vanguard of an exciting movement to save-the-world and improve the quality of life for yourself, your children,  grandchildren and the rest of humanity.

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